Thursday, November 3, 2016

Dakhni -an overview

Spoken in
South india

Language family
Indo –Aryan
Southern Zone
Writing system
Urdu alphabet(Nasta Liq script), other

Dakhini (Urdu دکنی ; dakkʰinī ) also known as Dakkhani, Deccani, originated in-between 1295-1316 AD, is a dialect of the Urdu language of Deccan region in southern india ,with a distinct use of loan words from Arabic, Turkish, Indo-Aryan and South Indian Language .Centered in the major cities of south India. There is an extensive literature present in this dialect.

Dakhni is spoken in the Deccan plateau region of India. Just as Urdu  developed in Lucknow, Dakhni developed in south India quite surprisingly not from Urdu but parallel to it, due to the mixing of various india based languages,Arabic and Persian based languages. The term Dakhni is perhaps an umbrella for a group of dialects spoken by certain communities of Muslims in the Deccan region. Thus, Dakhni dialects are an amalgam ofUrdu, Marathi, Konkani, Gujarati, Arabic, and Turkish.
Dakhni was the lingua franca of the Muslims of South India, chiefly living in Hydrabad stste, Mysore state and the Hyderabad-Ka

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