By Sayed Mohamed, Retd. Principal, Urdu College,
Language and Literature comprises of three special research papers (1: THE
THE DAKHNI LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 3: SUFISM IN DAKHNI LITERATURE) presented by the author during 1968, under
the auspices of University of Mysore.
From Gujarat we come down to
Bijapur and the foremost among the Sufi writers of that city, Hazrat Shah
Meeranji Shamsul Ushsheq has already been referred to in the last lecture. Shah
Meeranji who had migrated to Arabia in his early lfe returned to Indai when the
Baahmani kingdom was on the decline. Now
Bijapur and Golkonda had become the
centres. Shah Meeranji also left Bidar
and went to Bijapur. Here outside the
fort of Bijapur on a hillock he is buried.
Meeranji was a prominent member of
the chain of disciples of Hazrat Banda Nawaz and was himself the founder of the
chain of Chisti Sufis in Bijapur and the whole Deccan. The Chisti school is a separate and one of
the prominent schools of Sufism and several from the progeny and disciples of
Meeranji have been renowned exponents and practitioners of this school.
Meeranji was very great religious
leader and teacher. Every day hundreds
of people used to go to him to learn or to get their doubts cleared. He had made himself available to all on all
occasions and under all circumstances.
The same tradition was followed by
his illustrious son Shah Barhanuddin janam and grandson Aminuddin Ala. Shah Meeranji had writtern many books and
pamphlets. The following are very well
known. Khushnama, Khash Nagz, Shahadatul Haqeeqat, Sharhe Margoobul Quloob,
Mugz-e-Margoob, Chahar Shahadat etc… Gulbas and Jal Tarang are also said to
have been written by him. Magz-e-Margoob
and Chahar Shahadat have been edited by Mr.Md.Hashim Ali, lecturer in Urdu,
Mysore University. He has taken great
pains to dig out the incidents of the life of Meeranji, compare them,verify
them and deduce results. Research work
done on the said two works of Meeranji is relally a meritorious work and any
amount of praise is welldeserved by him.
Meeranji promoted the scheme
started by Hazrat Banda Nawaz and popularized
his instructions. The method of his explanation even of intricate
problems was very lucid and simple. Thus
he has rendered a great service to the people as well as to the Dakhni language
and literature.
Burhanuddin janam was the son and
successor of Shah Meeranji. He was an illustrious of illustrious father. His
works in literature particularly in Sufi literature are as important as are the
works of his father. He had also to his
credit a number of booklets and pamphlets in prose. Irshad Nama is his famous wrik in
poetry. Catechism is the style of this work and the subject matter is religious
philosophy of the Chishti School. This
book has not been published as yet,even though many people have attempted to do
research work on it. Two of his books
Hujjatul Baqa and Kalimatul Haqa-eq are also famous. Their style is also the
same and the matter is alos Sufistic teachings.
The latter book has been edited by two different sscholars, one
Professor Akberuddin Sddiqi and the other Dr.Rafia Sultana. Other books of his which have not been
published as yet and but on which research work is being done are Vasiyatul
Hadi, Sukh Sohaila, Muftahul-ul-Iman, Nuqta-e-Wahed, Naseemul Kalam, Basharatuz
Zikr, Punch Gunj etc.
Janam has written a number of
distichs whichare found in many of his books.
This shows that janam was a prolific writer. His language is more fefined and
progressive. One of his disciples Shah
Dawal has written a booklet called Kash-ful Wajood which has recently been
edited and published by Prof.Akberuddin Siddique.
Burhanuddin Janam’s son Aminuddin
Ala was also a great saint of his period. He was always in a meditative mood
and talked very little. For a long time
he remained in his room and came out only once a week. Thousands of people used to gather to steal a
look at him. His head was always bent
and he never looked up. He seldom made anybody his disciple but his successors
were rather broad-minded in this matter. The few of his famous disciples were
Meeranji Khudanuma of Hyderabad, Khudavand Hadi of Chincholi and Qadar Lingal
. To his credit go a number of booklets
in prose and poetry. Famous among them
are Ramzuz Salikeen, Nizam Vujudya, Mohabbat Name, Guftar Shah Ameenuddin and
Gunj-e-Maqfi. He died in 1685. His tomb is outside the city of Bijapur and
is a place of pilgrimage.
From among the disciples of Ala, Qadar Lingal is famous for his works
particularly his Gazals and Masnavi. His famous Masnavi is Mojiza-e-Khatoon-e-Jannat.
In the period of Sikandar Adil Shah, Qadar Lingal gained fame for his poems and
prose works.
One of his disciples, Moazzam was
also a great writer. Shajraful Atqia is
famous poetic work of his. Two of his prose works which have erned a name are
‘Risala-e-Wajudyya’ and ‘Wajudul Arifeen’.
From among those who belong to the
later half of the Adil Shahi period Ashiq was a famous Sufi saint and
poet. He was a disciple of Shah
Sibgaullah Hasan who was uite a well known saint of that time. Ashiq has written two Masnavi or
narrarives. One is called Chuhar Peer Va
Chahar Khan Vada and the other is called ‘Hazrat-e-Khamsa’. In the first book
he has dealt with the our famous suides of the Tareeqat and fourteen systems
practiced in Sufism.
The second important personality of
the period was Shah Abul Hasan Qadri who wrote ‘Sukhanjan’ He belonged to Bidar
but had gone over to Bijapur. The king
was very much impressed by his spiritualism. He died in 1634 and was buried
near the Allah Darwaza. Ois timb is also
a place of pilgrimage.
Qazi Mehmood Bhri is also a poet of
great importance. His father’s name was Bahruddin and he was called Qazi
Darya. Bahri beloged to Gogi a village
of Gulbarga distric now a part of Mysore State.
His father had gone over to Bijapur to be one of the disciples of Shah
Burhanuddin Janam. Bahri was the disciple of Hazrat Shah Baqar of Bijapur. Sikandar Ali Shah, the king of Bijapur was a
great devotee of him. Just a few years before the conquer of Bijapur by
Auragzeb he had migrated to Hyderabad and then went back to his native place
Gogi and almost renounced the world.
Aurangzeb had himself gone over to Gogi to meet this saintly person and
was very much impressed by his high spiritual caliber. Bahri died in 1718 and was buried very near
the tomb of his guide and leader Shah Baqar.
Bahri was a great Sufi poet and
since he belongs to the last day of this period his language is almost modern
which is again a proof that Dakhni improved and developed had become what
to-day Urdu is.
His complete works in Persian and
Dakhni ( Qaliyat) have been edited and published by Dr.Hafeez Sayyad ‘Man
Lagan’ is another of his works which is
totally on Sufism. This has been edited
by Saqavat Mirza and Anjuuman Taraqi Urdu of Pakistan has published it.
Discording a long list of
less-prominent poets of this period, I would like to make a mention of only one
more poet , Momin. His full name was in
Mian Abdul Momin. He was a native of
Chanpatan which was in the dominions of the Adil Shahi Governments. He belonged
to the Mahdavi Sect. His ‘Assari Ishq’
has been traced, in which he has written the life story of Hazrat Syed Mohammed
of Joanpur. It has a simple language and
simple metre and is date 1682.
When speaking of the Sufi poets of Golkonda we have
to mention Vaji’s name even though he was not a Sufi himself. His famous prose works ‘Subras’ is really an
allegory. In the guise of a love story,
he has mentioned all those problems which Sufi poets touch in their books. From
one the manuscripts, it is clear that his religious guide and leader was Shah
Ali Muttaqi. From another manuscript it
is proved that he was buried in the campus of the Dargah of Hazrat Barhana Shah
in Hyderabad. He died in 1660 A.D.
The periods of Md.Quli Qutub Shah, Md.Qutub
and Abdullah Qutub Shah were the periods of cultural activity and social
uplift. The romantic and elegaoic poetry
prevailed in these periods. Neither the kings nor the nobles were interested in
‘Tasawaf’ but the people had a taste for it and the following Sufi poets were
responsible for the elevation of the standard of learning and understanding
Sufism. They were Syed Bal-laqi, Shah
Raju, Abdi Shah, Meeranji Khude Numa, Meeran Yaqoob, Qutubi and Sultan not to
mention several other less well-known persons.
Syed Ballaqi was attached to the
court of Abdullah Qutub Shah. His taste
for Sufism was refined one. He wrote a
Masnavi in 1669 called ‘Meeraj Nama’ in which there are 1500 couplets. Shah Raju was a famous Sufi saint of the
period. A number of poetic works have
been traced which are said to have been written by him.
Abid Shah Abid was the famous disciple of Shah Raju
who has written a booklet and a pamphlet in which he has propounded his
teacher’s theories and tried to explain them. His famous work is Gulzar us
Slikin. Abid has also translated into Dakhni the prescriptions of Banda Nawaz
which were in Persian.
Meeranji Khuda Numa Shah was the
most prominent of all the Sufis of the period. He held an important post in the
government of Abdullah Qutub Shah. On a
governmental mission, he had been to Bijapur and there he chanced to meet
Hazrat Ameenuddin Ali. From the very day
a change come over him. He resigned his post, renounced the world, become a
hermit and remained for a year with his leader and Mushid, acquired spiritual
benefits and returned to Hyderabad. Here
he spent the whole of his life in the service of humanity, guiding them,
teaching them and helping them.
Thousands were his disciples and devotees not to mention the number of
the beneficiaries.
Meeranji Khuda Numa is the most
important of all the Sufi poets and writers of Golkonda. He could write with equal ease both in poetry
as well as in prose. The following are
his famous prose works-Sharhe-Sharhe-Tamhedat, Ainul Qazat, Risala-e-Wajudyya
and ‘Risala-e-Margoobul Quloob’. There
are two long narrative poems ( Masnavis) and another Sufistic poem ‘Basharatul
Anwar’ besides a number of Gazals.
He died in 1663 and he was hurried
in a tomb which is known as Qamraqi Gunbad at Hyderabad.
Among his disciples and successors
there were a number of famous writers.
One of Shah Ferooqi wrote ‘Chakki Nama’ which has become an epoch making
book. Several Sufis later on wrote under the same title, adopting the same
technique, several books to expand theories and problems of Sufism.
Meeran Yaqoob was also one of the
followers of Meeranji Khuda Numa. He wrote in 1667 a book in prose called
‘Shima-el-ul Atqia’.
Qutbi wrote ‘Thofatur Nasach’ which
he translated into Dakhni from Persian.
Both Shah Raju and Meeranji Khuda
Numa belong to the last period of the Qutub Shahi dynasty.
In the days of Abul Hasan Tamashah
who was a beneficiary of Shaa Raju, the kingdom of Golkonda was conquered by Aurangzeb
and the political upheaval put an end to the production of literature of this
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