Thursday, November 3, 2016


By  Sayed Mohamed, Retd. Principal, Urdu College, Hyderabad.
Dakhni Language and Literature comprises of three special research papers (1: THE VALUE OF DAKHNI LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 2: A SURVEY OF RESERCH WORK DONE ON THE DAKHNI LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 3: SUFISM IN DAKHNI LITERATURE)  presented by the author during 1968, under the auspices of University of Mysore.


For a period of more than 350 years from 1350 A.D. to 1687 A.D. the language that was born in the north western parts of India with the meeting of the Muslims and Hindus, thrived and flourished, developed and expanded in the Deccan.  Under the patronage of different kings of different dynasites, the Bahmanis of Gulbarga, the Adil Shahis of Bijapur and the  qutub Shahis of Golkonda, a rich literature whether Gazal or Masnavi, whether Rubaiyat i.e. Quatrain or Dohe, distic whether Panegyric or elegy.  But with the end of the independent kingdoms of the Deeccan, a period of suppression started. Every movement of the Deccan for fear of developing into a rebellion against the Moghul supremacy was put down.  The same was the fate of those poets who wrote elegies on Tanshah the last of Golkonda or Hyderabad.

By this time as I have already pointed out in my last lecture the Dakhni had become refined and had come very near to its modern phase.  It was in this period that several great poets like Vali and Siraj rose from the Deccan.  Vali had to move northwards in search of encouragement and reward .  It was through Vali that the people at Delhi got acquainted with the forms of literature and the style of Dakhni and the language become popular there.

Mirza  Mazhar Jan-e-Janan and other poets of the time tried to bring about a change in the usage and idiom and replace those of the Dakhni with those which were in vogue at Delhi.  Thus under the effect of the language prevalent there, the Dakhni taken by Vali now began to develop on different lines and was cut off from its previous traditions.  When in northern India Tazkeras or a sort of histories of literature was written, their authors referred to just a few poets of the Deccan and that too of the last period.  When Mohammed Husain Azad wrote the history of Urdu poetry, he declared Vali of Aurangabad as the first Urdu poet.  For a long time this wrong notion based on ignorance of the facts prevailed in the north.

In 1918 Osmania University was established in Hyderabad and Urdu was made the medium of instruction at all levels of the university education in all faculties including Sciences, Technology, Medicine and Engineering. After the death of Prof. Waheeduddin Salim the Urdu department of this University had Dr. Moulvi Abdul Haq as its head.  He had already started the work of ransacking old books in libraries, when he was the secretary of Anjuman Taraqi Urdu Aurangabad.  He had paid visits to several cemeteries finding the graves of old poets and Sufis, reading the epitaphs and verifying them with the information found in books.  He was working on the service rendered by the Sufis.  He found that the language they used was the same in which much literature had been produced earlier.  Then he turned his attention towards Md.quli Qutub Shah, whose Diwan gilded and royal in every sense was found in Asafia Library of Hyderabad.  He introduced this to the modern world and thus infused many writers with a new spirit to explore and dig deep into the past and decipher the Dakhni literature.  Among the earlier writers who did research on this new field, was Shamsullah Qadri, who was an expert archeologist also.  He wrote the history of old Urdu literature known as Urdu-e-Quatin. Another scholar and historian was Naseeruddin Hashmi.  He wrote Urdu in the Deccan, Dakan men Urdu and brought to the surface many things which were still undiscovered.  Meanwhile Moulvi Abdul Haq had edited and published Mirajul Asheqin of Hazrat Bandnawaz as the first prose work in ole Urdu or Dakhni.
By this time the young men who were enthused with the new spirit of exploration.  Which was coupled with a sort of local patriotism for everything that belonged to the Deccan, having taken degrees from Osmania University and having been guided by the works of earlier scholars, began to take interest in this field?  Among these most prominent was Syed Mohiuduin Qadri Zore. When he went to Europe for higher education, he found in the British Museum and India Office Libraries hundreds of books in poetry and prose written in the Dakhni. He wrote Urdu Shah Pare and introduced to the Urdu speaking world what was lying hidden there in those libraries.

When he returned he was not only qualified to take up the work but also was fully convinced that it was the duty of the Osmanians to bring to lime light the extra-ordinary work done in earlier period in this region.  In 1231 he formed a society and called it Idara-e-Adabeeyat-d-Urdu.  One of his aims was to collect rare Dakhni books and manuscripts of historic importance etc.  In pursuance of this aim, the Idara now has a big library of rare manuscripts and a grand museum of paintings, map, relics etc.. .Another aim of the Idara was to bring into limelight masterpieces of learned men gathered round him and all began to work and within a short period they published several books fully edited and corrected. Some of the member4s of the team were Prof. Abdul Qader Sarwari, Sadat Ali Razvi, Naseeruddin Hashmi, Professor Abdul Majeed Siddiqui and this speaker also.

In 1937 when this speaker was the adviser of the Library Association of the City College it was decided to hold the centenary of Vali Dakhni.  One this occasion, we held an exhibition of the Dakhni manuscripts also.  Most of these manuscripts were borrowed from the Salar Jung Library.  Salar Jung III ex-prime minister of Hyderabad presided over the function and was so pleased with the work that he agreed to be the patron of an association to be formed to publish Dakhni manuscripts.  He also agreed to bear all the expenses.  Nawab Azam Jung,ex-education minister of Hyderabad, was elected as the president of this association, Dr.Syed Mohiuddin Qadri Zore was the vice-president and this speaker was the secretary. Within a few years we published the following books:
1.     Kulliyat-e-Md.Quli Qutub Shah, complete work edited by Zore.
2.     Kulliyat-e-Abdullah Qutub Shah, edited by Syed Mohammed.
3.     Tutinama of Gavvvasi, edited by Mir Sadat Ali Razvi.
4.     Saiful Mulook Va Badiul jamal of Gavvasi, edited by Mir Sadat Ali Razvi.
5.     Gulshan-e-Ishq of Nusrat, edited by Syed Mohammed.
6.     Ali Nama of Nusrati, edited by Abdul Majeed Siddique.
7.     Phool Ban of Ibne Nishati, edited by Abdul Qadar Sarwari
8.     Qissa-e-Be Nazeerof Sanati, edited by Abdul Qadar Sarwari.
9.     Kulliyat-e-Siraj, edited by Abdul Qadar Sarwari.
10. Qissa-e-Rizwan Shah Va Rooh Afza of Faiez, adited by Syed Mohammed.
11.  Chandan Badan Va Mahyar,edited by Aqbaruddin Siddiqi
12. Panchi Bacha of Wajdi, edited by Syed Mohammed.

The publication of these books now established the fact that Dakhni had a rich literature and that a great work had already been done centuries ago in Deccan.  Now several scholars from other Universities, associations and institutions also began to take interest in the research on the Dakhni literature. Anjuman Tarraqqi Urdu Aurangabad published Wajhi’s Qutub Mushtari edited by Moulvi Abdul Haq.  In the Magazines ‘Urdu’ ‘Subras’ organ of the Idara-e-Adabiyat-e-Urdu and in Muhjalla-e-Maktaba which was published under the editorship of Abdul Qadar Sarwari and this Speaker, the works of Urdu poets in small portions were being published . Dr.Moulvi Abdul Haq wrote a monograp;h on Nusrati the oet laureate of Bijapur who and written Gulshan-e-Ishq, Ali Nama, Tareeq Iskandari and number of Gazals and Qasidas.

With the death of Nawab Salar jung the work done by the Anjuman-e-Ishat Dajkhni Maqtootat had come to a sudden stop. However, wheno Nawab Nawaz jung,ex-Governor of Gujrat, become the president of Salar Jung Committee, new life was enthused into the Anjuman. It has been decided to transcribe the books published in Urdu into Devanagari script and editing and publishing Dakhni books in both scripts.Many books have been prepared and transcribed in Nagari script, Since the Salar Jung Museum has been handed over to the central government, it has been decided to hand over the assets of the anjuman e.g.books,mansuscripts the Abul Kalam Rsearch Institute and that the members of the Anjuman to continue their work in co-operation with the Institute.

Besides the work that has been done in erstwhile Hyderabad state, there has been considerable work done in other parts to India.
Professor Hafeeq Syed of Allahabad University edited  and published the Kulliyat of Bahri.  Saqavat Mirza edited and published Bahris’Man Lagan’. Mubarizuddin  Rafat of Maharani’s Colloge Mysore has edited the Kulliyat of Ali Adil Shah.  This has been published by Anjuman tarraqqi Urdu Aligarh It is interesting to note that there is only one complete and rare text of the Kulliyat of Ali Adil Shah II ‘Shahi’ and it is in the State Archives of Hyderabad.  Mr.Rafat has also edited Shikar Nama by Hazrat Khaja Banda Nawaz.

Under the  auspieces of Idara-e-A badiyat-e-Urdu Diwan-e-Hashimi was published.  It was editred by Dr.Abdul Hafeez. Qateel of Osmania University.  The other book published by the Idara is Kulliyat Gavvasi which was edited by late Dr.Mohammed Bin Omar of Osmania University.  Akbaruddin Siddique has edited and published Calimatul Haqaiq of Hazrat Buyrhanuddin Janam and ‘Kashful Wajud’ of Shah Dawal. Under the auspices of Hyderabad Urdu Academy whose secretary is this speaker, several books have been published. Details are as follows:
1.     Shikar Nama of Hazrat Khaja Banda Nawz, edited by Mubarizuddin rafat.
2.     Kulliyat Shahi, edited by Zeenat Sajida.
3.     Sharhe-Sharhe Tamheedat, Risala-e-Wajudyya, Margoobul Quloob, Basharatul Anwar.
All these are edited by Dr.Hafeez Qateel and he has written a monograph on Meeranji Kudanama.
4.     Mir Hashim Ali, lecturer in Urdu of Mysore University has written a monograph on Shah Meeranji Shamsul Ushashaq, and has edited his works Mezze-Margoob and Chahar Shahadat.
Besides these publications of the said academy, Dr.Syed jaffar of Osmania University has edited the book on Sufism called ‘Man Samjhavan’ by Shah Turab of Madras and he has also edited a collection of Dakhni Rubaiyat (Quatrains).

Dr. Nazeer Ahmed, Head of  the department of Persian, Aligrah University has compared several texts of Nauras Nama by Ibrahim Adil Shah and edited it. Dr.Masu Hasan Khan,head of the dept. of Osmani University brought to light the Preet Nama of Feroz.

Recently the Urdu department of Osmani University has started publishing an annual anthology of old Urdu called Qadeen Urdu .The fist issue is under compliation. I this publication there are research articles of Dakhni of old Urdu and in addition to this there are separate booklets of Dakhni.  Along with the first issue Gavvasi’s Masnavi Main and Satvanti was also published.  This was edited by Dr. Gulam Omar Khan of Arts College, Osmania University has brought forth special number called the Dakhni Literature Number in which there were several articles by experts on the subjects.

Dr.Zore had completed a few days before hi death a history of the old Urdu literatures under the title of history of Dakhni literature.  This book has been published.
Considerable work is being done in you University also under the able guidance of Dr. Habibunissa and students of this university are lucky to have such enthusiastic teachers and scholars of eminence on the staff as Mr.Mubarazuddin Rafat, Mir Mahmood Hussain and Mohd. Hashim Ali, One lady student is doing research on Hazrat Shah Mir Awlia and the works of his disciples.  Another lady student is working on the Masnavis written in Mysore.  Dr.Amina Khaton of Bangalore University has contributed many articles on old Urdu works of Mysore State.

Dr.Khalida Yousf has taken her Ph.D. on her research work done on the poets of Aurangabad under the guidance of Dr. Zore.  Dr. Samina Shoukat and Dr. Rafia have edited Shikarnama of Hazrat Banda Nawaz & Kalematul Haqaiq of Shah Burhanuddin Junam respectively.  Several other students have taken their doctorate because of their work on Dakhni literature.  Recently Dr. Mohammed Chirag Ali wrote his thesis on the development of elegy in the Deccan and his work is said to be an addition to the history of the Dakhni literature.

Under the able guidance of Professor Najeeb Ashraf considerable work is being done by the Anjuman –e- Islam Urdu Research Institute, Bombay.  They have chosen a limited field of old Urdu in Gujarat and Maharashtra.  However it is a wide field and it is hoped that good work will be turned out there.

As a matter of fact the interest in old Urdu literature is rather wide spread and much work is done under several project schemes in several universities and institutes of India and Pakistan.  Some individual efforts are also being made to unearth certain hidden treasures of Dakhni literature.  Some scholars have chosen some periods and some aspects of this literature and it can be expected that within a short period much work will be done.

Recently a well planned scheme has been adopted in Hyderabad to write a detailed dictionary of old Urdu words.  Dr.Masood Husain,Khan head of the department of Urdu, Osmania University and Dr.Gulam Omar Khan, lecturer, Osmania University have been entrusted with the work of selecting words from published and unpublished works of old Urdu and Dakhni and to give their meaning . Once this dictionary is published it will be very helpful to research scholars and others who would like to read old books and manuscripts. The difficulty they, particularly those who belong to Northern India, feel in this regard to decipher old literature will be solved.

Under the auspices of Taraqi Urdu Board Pakistan. ‘Khavar Nama’ of Rustumi is being edited and published.  This speaker has received a copy of it for opinion and suggestions.  This is the second narrative of war of Razmia Masnavi after Nusrati’s Ali Nama which is being published. Only one copy of its text has been traced as yet.

The Dakhni literature is hundred percent Indian in all aspects and represents the mixed culture of the Hindus and the Muslims.  It contains reference to traditions of both the communities.  In the past Ali Adil Shah of Goldonda had used it as a vehicle and a means to bring about a harmonious integration of the Hindus and the Muslims.  This was the life mission of Gandhiji.  We as free Indians now need it the more, particularly at this juncture.  Some people are of the opinion that the formation of linguistic states has not been a step towards the unification of India. But I see the silver lining of this dark cloud.  The role that Dakhni had played in the past can be played by Urdu now.  Some of us say that Urdu has no region in India- may be it is true –it is not regional it is Indian-it does not belong to any particular region but to every region.  It is the second largely spoken language in Mysore, the region of Kannada. It is the second largely spoken of Telugu it is the second largely spoken language in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab and even Bengal and Madras not to speak of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.  Now it depends upon us to utilize this means at our disposal.  There is an experience of the past to guide us, the vehicle is there in a better, stronger and more developed form and the need for unity and integration is urgent as well as important.  Let us hope that we will act properly and do good to our –selves.

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